Interscholastic Hunt Seat Teams
An Introduction to Competition
Scots Ridge is home to a highly decorated hunt seat equestrian team (Grades 4-12) affiliated with the Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA). Riders frequently make it to zone and national finals. Several shows per season are hosted at Scots Ridge.
IEA was founded to promote and improve the quality of equestrian competition and instruction available to middle and secondary school students. Like the IHSA, the format utilizes a draw-based form of competition whereby riders are given an unknown mount on which they compete thereby leveling the playing field and challenging the rider’s ability to adapt to different horses each ride. Now in its 19th year, the IEA has over 14,500 members across the United States. It is the largest youth equestrian organization in the country and the largest feeder organization to collegiate equestrian programs.
Scots Ridge IEA Team members typically lease or own horses at the farm; individuals from other farms may participate by special invitation. Riders enjoy the talented Maryville College-owned horses in lessons and competitions. They also volunteer with the Maryville College IHSA Team.
For Team Updates follow Scots Ridge Farm on Facebook or Instagram